Monday 13 October 2014

Know the Various Types of Treatment for cancer from Dr. Leonard Coldwell

It is said that the earlier cancer is diagnosed, the better are the chances of being cured. Cancer is a deadly disease affecting large number of people all over the world.  There are nearly 100 types of cancer known. Each type of cancer has its own symptoms, treatment and drugs.  There are various cancer treatments available that can help treat the disease. The treatment options depend upon the type and stage of cancer. However, another factors like patients overall health and possible side effects will also be taken into consideration. 

Dr. Leonard Coldwell is one of the most endorsed naturopath doctors in the world. He has written more than 19 bestselling books on cancer and his mega seller book “The only answer to cancer” is being read and implemented by people all over the world. More than 57 million people enjoy his teachings. He believes in treating the root cause of the problem.  He recommends cancer patients to adopt natural ways to treat the cause and spread of cancer. Dr. Leonard Coldwell has below shared his valuable advice on the treatments of cancer. 

Surgery: -Surgery can be effectively used to treat and in some case prevent the development of cancer. Most of the people who suffer from cancer undergo a surgery. It offers the greatest chance for cure, especially if the cancer has not yet spread to the other body parts.
Chemotherapy: -Dr. Leonard Coldwell explains chemotherapy is the use of medicines to treat the disease. Chemo gives you a better sensation of control to overcome your cancer treatment. Most of the people get scared with the thought of chemotherapy. Understanding the treatment and the procedure will give you a strong feeling to treat the disease.
Radiation Therapy: -In radiation therapy, high energy waves or rays are used to destroy or damage cancer cells.  This is the most common treatments of cancer which can be done either done alone or along with other forms of treatment.
Hyperthermia: -Hyperthermia involves the idea of using heat to treat cancer.  With the advancement in technology, there are newer tools that allow even delivery of heat. This type of treatment is widely used for treating many types of cancer.
Photodynamic Therapy: -Photodynamic therapy commonly known as PDT is another effective treatment that uses special drugs along with lights to kill the cancer cells. 

Those were some of the treatments that have gained popularity and are showing good results to treat the cancer. Dr. Leonard Coldwell believes early detection can help you to treat the deadly disease.

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Dr. Dr. Leonard Coldwell - Promotion Of Life Habits To Bring Harmony To The Mind, Body And Spirit Creating Good Health

Naturopathies medicines are a natural approach to health and healing, that recognizes the holistic approach to wellness. It reiterates the treatment of illness through stimulation, enhancement and support of the inherent healing capacity of the body.

Dr. Coldwell, emphasis the need to build health, rather than fight disease. Naturopathic treatment is firmly based on the’ belief that prevention is the best cure’. It is these principles that distinguish it from modern day medicine approach.
The doctor has involved the Instinct based Medicine System, which treats the whole person involving a complex interaction of a number of factors. These factors are emotional, genetic, physical and mental. A homeostasis or the biological balance is the focus point of a healthy system. The holistic approach takes all these factors into consideration and strives to bring about a state of equilibrium. The doctor plays a role of a facilitator to augment the healing process by identifying and removing the cause.

Naturopathy medicine is based on the healing power of nature and the self healing power of the body. Dr. Coldwell educates and encourages his patients to take responsibility of their health. He is a catalyst that is empowering and motivating people through his wellness seminars. He has reached out to about 4 million people through his seminars. He has conducted numerous television and radio shows on the subject, spreading awareness and need for a life style change. He is a crusader, who at every available platform reiterates the importance of building health rather than fighting disease.
In naturopathy medicine it is believed that symptoms are the expressions of the body’s attempt to heal and are not actually the cause of the disease. So unlike modern medicine which attempts to suppress the symptoms, naturopathy medicines finds and treats the cause or the root of the illness and not the symptoms. The doctor has released some 300 odd very educational CD’s and DVD’s guiding people to ultimate good health. It is the promotion of life-habits that create good health. The doctor, according to him is merely a guiding figure who strives to inspire hope and motivates his patient to an early recovery.